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"I have always enjoyed seeing the difference a simple act of kindness can make. Back in 2018, I founded JCMakes a Difference to begin our very own movement. Thanks to JC Clients, we make a difference year-round."

How We Make A Difference In Our Community


Whether it be giving manicures to residents at Lisaard & Innisfree House or hosting the dinner service at Ray of Hope’s community centre, we are dedicated to making a hands-on difference.

JC Events

Every client appreciation event hosted by doubles as a fundraiser for a local charity in need. Our clients exchange generous donations for entry to JC Movie Events and more!

JC Door Drops

Who wouldn’t want goodies dropped off at their door? As a JC Client, you’ll have the option to sign up for door-delivered pies, flowers and more on special days. Just leave your donations on the porch to be picked up by the JC Jeep!

JC Client